Hrutka - cooking recipe
2 doz. eggs
1 qt. milk
salt to taste
Crack eggs and add milk; beat with eggbeater until thoroughly mixed; add salt to taste.
Put mixture in large saucepan or pot and place in a still larger saucepan or pot filled with water.
This will prevent egg mixture from sticking and burning at bottom of pot as it cooks.
Cook over medium heat, stirring often until mixture pulls away from sides of pot and looks curdled.
Line in large strainer with cheesecloth and strain mixture through the cheesecloth.
Pull sides of cheesecloth together and shape egg mixture into a ball.
Tie very tightly at top with string and hang to let drain for 2 or 3 hours.
Cool in refrigerator.
Unmold from cheesecloth and serve.
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