Mississippi Party Shrimp - cooking recipe

    1 can tomato soup
    1 can water
    3 - 3 oz. pkg. cream cheese
    1 pkg. gelatin
    1/2 c. cold water
    1 c. celery, minced
    1 Tbsp. onion, grated
    1 Tbsp. green pepper, grated
    2 c. canned or fresh shrimp, mashed
    1 c. mayonnaise
    Bring tomato soup and water to a boil.
    Add cream cheese and stir until dissolved.
    Add gelatin, which has been dissolved in cold water.
    Mix in celery, onion, green pepper, and shrimp. Chill until ready to serve.
    Add mayonnaise and spread on thinly sliced bread with crust removed or place in decorative mold or bowl and serve with crackers.

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