Easy French Bread - cooking recipe

    2 c. warm water
    1/3 c. sugar
    2 pkg. (5 tsp.) yeast
    2 eggs
    1/4 c. oil
    2 to 3 tsp. salt to taste
    8 to 9 c. flour
    Add yeast and sugar to warm water, letting yeast set and bubble.
    Add 2 eggs and 1/4 cup oil, mixing well.
    Add flour until at the kneading stage.
    Knead until it feels spongy.
    Let rise until double.
    Divide in half and roll into long French loaves. Place on cookie sheet; let rise.
    Brush with butter and bake 30 to 35 minutes.
    Remove and butter top again.
    Cool on wire rack.

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