Fruit Cake - cooking recipe

    1 c. sugar
    2 c. self-rising flour
    4 eggs
    1/2 c. shortening
    1 qt. chopped nuts
    1 (8 oz.) candied cherries, cut up
    1 (8 oz.) candied pineapple, cut up
    1/2 box white raisins
    Cream shortening and sugar.
    Add eggs and 1 cup flour; mix well.
    Put the other cup of flour over fruit and nuts.
    Add to batter.
    Grease and flour a tube pan.
    Line bottom of pan with wax paper.
    Pour batter into prepared pan.
    Bake at 250\u00b0 for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until cake tests done.

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