Sweet Pickles - cooking recipe
16 lb. cucumbers
4 c. salt
1 gal. vinegar
1 box pickling spices
10 lb. sugar
2 boxes alum
Wash cucumbers, leaving them whole.
Mix salt with enough water to cover pickles in a 5-gallon churn.
Mash pickles down under the water.
Let set for 6 or 7 days.
Take the pickles out of salt water and wash well.
Slice pickles.
Dissolve alum with enough water to cover the pickles in the churn.
Let set 6 hours. Take pickles out and wash well.
Cover pickles with vinegar. Place spices in a white rag and put in the churn with the vinegar. Let set 6 hours and pour out vinegar.
Layer pickles with sugar. Stir to dissolve the sugar.
Let set for 2 or 3 days.
Place pickles in jars.
Jars do not have to seal.
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