Brunswick Stew - cooking recipe
1 fifty cent shank of beef
1 loaf bread
1 qt. potatoes, cooked and mashed
1 qt. cooked butter beans
1 qt. raw corn
1 1/2 qt. tomatoes, peeled and chopped
salt and pepper to taste
2 or 3 Tbsp. butter
If served at 2:00 o'clock, put up the shank as for soup, at the earliest possible hour.
Then about 12:00 o'clock, take the shank out of the soup and shred and cut all of the meat as fine as you can, carefully taking out bone and gristle, then return the meat to the soup pot and add all of the vegetables and the bread. Season with salt and pepper to taste and when ready to serve, drop into the tureen 2 or 3 tablespoons butter.
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