A.V. Porter'S Rolls - cooking recipe

    2 c. milk
    1/2 c. sugar
    3 pkg. Fleischmann's yeast
    5 c. flour
    2 heaping Tbsp. Crisco
    2 eggs
    1 tsp. salt
    Mix sugar, salt and yeast.
    Then add eggs, mix well.
    Add milk. Melt Crisco and add to mixture.
    Mix real good.
    Then sift 4 cups flour.
    Mix 3 cups first, mixing well.
    Then add 2 more cups. Work with hands until smooth.
    Sift flour on paper or cloth. Divide dough in half.
    Take half roll on floured paper, stretch or roll it out long.
    Cut in small pieces.
    Add a dab of butter in each and roll it up.
    Put rolls in buttered pan (8 to 9-inch). Smear melted butter on top of patted down rolls.
    Let set out to rise before cooking.
    Cook on 350\u00b0 until brown.

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