Candied Orange Peel - cooking recipe
6 medium oranges
2 c. sugar
Advance preparation:
Cut peel of each orange in sixths; loosen from pulp.
Remove most of white membrane from peel.
Add peel and 1 tablespoon salt to 4 cups water.
Place a plate over top to keep peel under water.
Let stand overnight.
Drain; wash.
Place peel in saucepan.
Cover with cold water.
Heat to boiling; drain. Repeat boiling and draining 3 times.
With kitchen shears, cut peel in strips.
Combine peel, 2 cups sugar and 1/2 cup water.
Heat and stir until sugar dissolves.
Cook slowly until peel is translucent. Drain; roll in additional sugar.
Dry on rack overnight.
Makes 2 cups.
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