Mexican Chicken - cooking recipe
1 large boiled chicken
1/2 c. (125 g) butter
1 large onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 green pepper, chopped
250 g (1/2 lb.) tomatoes, strained
500 g (1 lb.) mushrooms, sauteed
Remove the meat from the bones in large pieces.
Dredge with flour seasoned with salt and paprika.
Brown in hot butter and put into a casserole dish.
Saute the onion, garlic and green pepper in the same butter for five minutes.
Mix the tomatoes and mushrooms into the onion mixture, season to taste with salt and pepper and pour over the chicken.
Cover and bake in a 350\u00b0 oven for about 40 minutes.
Serves 4 to 6.
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