*Ma Elsie Gue'S Homemade Mincemeat - cooking recipe

    2 lb. beef neck
    1/2 lb. suet, cut fine
    1 doz. pared and chopped apples
    3 1/2 c. sugar
    1 lb. currants
    1 lb. raisins
    1/4 lb. citron, cut fine
    1 (1 lb. 13 oz.) can chopped peaches
    juice and grated peel of 1 orange
    2 c. cider, wine or brandy (or part wine and part brandy)
    1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
    1 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
    1/2 tsp. allspice
    salt to taste (approximately 1 tsp.)
    Cook beef slowly in hot water to cover until quite tender, about 3 hours.
    Chop beef.
    Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly.
    Let stand, covered at room temperature, for about 5 days.
    Freeze in 1 pint packages.
    Use 1 pint for making 1 (8-inch) pie.
    When making pie, may add 2 to 3 tablespoons of canned bought mincemeat to add to taste.

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