Crisped Dill Beans - cooking recipe

    2 lb. small, tender, straight green or wax beans
    1 tsp. red pepper flakes (hot pizza type)
    4 cloves garlic
    4 large heads dill
    2 c. water
    2 c. vinegar
    1/4 c. salt
    Stem beans and pack uniformly and tightly in hot jars.
    To each jar, add 1/4 teaspoon pepper flakes (more if you like it hotter), 1 clove garlic and 1 head dill.
    Heat together water, salt and vinegar.
    Bring to a boil.
    over beans.
    Adjust lids at once.
    Process in boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Remove jars from canner and allow to cool.
    Chill well before serving.

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