Baska (Easter Bread) - cooking recipe

    2 pkg. yeast
    1/4 c. warm water
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. sugar
    1 c. butter, melted
    2 c. potato water
    1 c. sugar
    12 egg yolks
    1/2 c. sweet cream
    1/2 tsp. ground anise or 10 drops anise flavoring
    2 c. raisins
    9 to 10 c. unsifted flour (or enough to make a soft dough)
    Dissolve yeast in warm water to which salt and 1 teaspoon sugar has been added.
    Melt butter.
    Add potato water, 1 cup sugar and egg yolks.
    Mix and then add yeast mixture plus cream, ground anise (or anise flavoring), raisins and unsifted flour to make a soft dough.
    Let rise.
    Work down 3 times.

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