Method for the duck.
Combine all marinade ingredients
Boil duck for 30-45 minutes in
d diced onions. Stuff each duck with the rosemary/onion mixture
blets and wing tips from duck, trim neck, and remove excess
other use).
Place the duck in a roasting pan.<
Discard neck from duck. Wash duck; pat dry with paper
To make the Peking duck: Arrange the duck breasts on a rack over
Put the duck breasts in a large
e skin side of the duck being careful not to cut
the glaze for the duck.
Preheat the oven
ir in white wine. Place duck in a large bowl and
er low heat. Remove the duck legs from the refrigerator. Reserve
per towels.
Brush the duck liberally with the soy
niper berries and mix with duck fat and thyme then heat
For the duck, place mushrooms in medium heatproof
5 degrees C). Rinse the duck, remove any pieces of excess
ver only).
Thoroughly rinse duck and pat dry with
ith lemon juice too. If duck is fresh killed, refrigerate it
veral holes all over the duck's breasts (this allows fat
ld its shape easily.
Cut neck off