We have tried to collect the most interesting and delicious recipes from all over the internet for you.

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Rock Candy

Mix syrup, sugar and water.
Heat to boil.
Lower heat.
Boil until temperature of candy thermometer reaches 300\u00b0.
Remove from heat, add desired color and add 1 teaspoon (flavor of choice) of oil based flavoring.
Pour into a rope strip on buttered marble.
Cut in sections and twist while it is hot.
Cut into small pieces while still warm.
Roll in powdered sugar.
(I do this by shaking in a bag.)
Sift off excess powdered sugar.

Oil-Based Pie Crust

nd salt.
Stir in oil until clumps are pea-sized

Migraine Oil Blend - Aromatherapy

plain, vegetable oil-based lotion.
The wheatgerm oil is necessary to

Shrimp Linguine In An Olive Oil Based Garlic Sauce

irst the Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Then add in your

Gluten Free Canola Oil Based Mayonnaise

Put the egg, vinegar and salt into a food processor and turn on.
Slowly pour in the oil.
The longer you leave the machine on the thicker the mayo will get. And that's it. Gluten free mayonnaise at the drop of a hat.

Basic Castile Soap

Heat the olive oil on low flame to approximately

Strawberries And Cream Soap

Grate the soap, or chop into tiny pieces

My First Hot Process Soap (Castile Crockpot Soap)

till tiny bits of unmelted oil.
Measure the liquid oils

Chocolate Orange Soap Cakes

our food processor, grate the soap bars, if you want a

Prawn (Shrimp) Oil

In a large heavy based pot over high heat add

Peaches And Cream Beauty Soap

Prepare your soap molds: Spray a very light

Vanilla And Almond Soap

Grind the almonds to a fine powder in a food processor or coffee grinder and set aside.
Shred the soap and set aside.
In a heavy saucepan bring the water to a boil; then reduce heat to a simmer and add the shredded soap until it is melted.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the almond powder, almond oil, and vanilla fragrance oil, stirring until well blended.
Spoon the soap into a mold and let set for five hours or until hardened.
Use it in the shower!

Chocolate Mint Soap

ntil a small amount of soap can be drizzled across the

Laundry Soap Inexpensive

cheese grater.
Melt soap in 4 cups of water

Roasted Sweet Potato Rounds

Heat 1 Tbsp of the oil in a pan.

Float Soap

Arrange the cookie cutters on waxed paper.
Measure the soap flakes into a heavy bowl and add the boiling water.
Stir until the soap dissolves and add the food coloring and scented oil, if you have it.
Beat the mixture with an eggbeater until it is smooth and satiny. Fill the cookie cutters and allow the soap to dry until it is firm to the touch.

Oriental Jasmine And Rice Bran Body Soap

Shred the bars of soap and set aside.
In a heavy saucepan, over low heat, warm the soy milk and gradually add the shredded soap until mixture is a sticky mass.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the rice bran and jasmine oil.
Stir until the bran is evenly mixed.
Spoon the soap into a mold and let it set for 4 hours or until hardened.
You can double the recipe and use a milk carton for the mold.

Basic Soap From Scratch

bout your hand temperature.
[Oil] Add the Lye solution to

Vasili'S White Oil Spray

Grate the natural soap into a plastic spray bottle (to get soap flakes).
Add the vegetable oil and water to the spray bottle.
Give the bottle a good shake. Now you can start spraying on all your plants.

Honeysuckle And Rose Soap

Slowly heat the oil, remove from the heat.
