ven to 350 degrees.
FRITTATA BATTER: Beat eggs, half and
he refrigerator.
Make the Frittata: Halve the leeks lengthwise and
he cooked part of the frittata and tilt the skillet to
ext prepare egg mixture for frittata by beating eggs until smooth
br>Let stand while preparing frittata so the flavors can meld
asta looks golden.
If frittata is too light in color
nd mix well. NOTE: The Frittata will not be stirred during
edium-low heat until the frittata is browned on the bottom
olden brown and top of frittata is just set (egg below
on't be making the frittata within the next few hours
heese; reserve.
To cook frittata, reserving one whole per serving
heese and thyme and cook frittata for 5-6 minutes or
dges and middle of the frittata are cooked enough to hold
istribution of flavors in the frittata.
Crack eggs in to
lift one side of the frittata and tilt the pan so
n top.
Loosen the frittata from the skillet with a
nd reasonably set, turn the frittata over by placing a large
he pan to loosen the frittata as it sets.
heese mixture until edges of frittata are browned and middle is
lmost set, finish cooking the frittata on the stove top by