f buttermilk.
Blend together with a wooden spoon until all
Season both sides with salt and pepper.
o a ziplock bag, along with the rest of the oil
reast in a crosshatch pattern with a sharp knife and sprinkle
aking dish.
On a cutting board, use the side of a
he roast generously with salt and pepper
Season evenly on both sides with salt and pepper.
eat in large skillet coated with nonstick cooking for 2-3
tter, whisking constantly. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warm
b>with pesto. (NOTE: If you will be using a shortcrust pastry recipe
. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Quarter beets
Place the fruit on a cutting board lined with wax paper or parchment paper
0b0F. Line a baking pan with parchment paper. Place potato
Pat roasts dry with paper towels and season with salt and pepper. Heat
add the mushrooms and season with salt and pepper. Cook until
the horseradish and season with salt and pepper, then
Coarsely chop spinach and transfer with raisins to a bowl. Add
an or piece of tinfoil with flour. Carefully form little patties
op of the meat. Cover with a lid and cook on
large roasting pan. Rub with oil and salt. Roast for