Yuvarlakia Avgolemono - cooking recipe

    1/2kg minced meat
    1 onion
    2Tsp chopped parsley
    1Tsp olive oil
    4Tsp rice for soups
    For the sauce:
    1 egg
    1 lemon juice
    I am sure that you are very familiar with the meat balls in red sauce but what about this one?
    This is one of the children's favorite plate and one of mine's, too. It's extremely easy to prepare it and very fast to cook it. Little ingredients, full flavor and taste. Come along!
    You take a deep ball and put half a kilo of minced meat, one chopped onion in very small pieces, 2Tsp chopped leaves of parsley, 4 Tsp of rice suitable for soups, 2 Tsp of olive oil, salt and pepper. You mix all the ingredients in order to have a homogenized mixture and prepare medium sized meat balls.
    In a deep casserole you put water or chicken broth and as soon you bring it to the boil you put the meat balls in the casserole. You boil the meat balls for about half an hour so as to become soft and the rice is boiled and then you remove the casserole from the heat in order to get chilled.
    Now, it's the time to prepare the creamy sour sauce for the soup! This sauce is called \"avgolemono\" which means egg and lemon.
    Step 1 - You squeeze a big yellow lemon and add 1Tsp of tab water.
    Step 2- You crack an egg and mix the inside, both yolk and white using a fork or a hand blender.
    Step 3 - You put the egg slowly into the lemon juice while you keep mixing both lemon and egg with the fork.
    Step 4 - You take a spoonful from the casserole and pour it into the previous mixture while you keep mixing with the fork. You take another one, and another one until you increase the temperature of the mixture, so as when you pour it into the casserole, the egg will not get boiled and make small white pieces.
    Step 5 - You pour the mixture into the casserole, away from the heat and you keep mixing the soup with a spoon for 1-2 minutes to avoid the egg making small white pieces.
    Now your incredible tasty food is ready! You may accompany it with greek feta cheese and fresh bread!

    Kisses, Foteinoula

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