Meringue Buttercream Frosting - 1St Generation - cooking recipe
6 egg whites
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/3 cups butter, softened almost until liquid, but not clear
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
Whisk together egg whites and sugar in a double boiler pan.
Heat over boiling water, \"whisk\"ing constantly, until the sugar is disolved and the egg begins to foam.
Tranfer mixture to large bowl and beat until stiff peaks form.
Add the butter 1 TBSP at a time. It is VERY important not to add it all at once, the meringe doesn't like it and gets all seperated. :0.
After all the butter is added, scrape the edges of the bowl and continue mixing. It will act like a puddle of melty uck for a little while, but all of a sudden, it will thicken beautifully.
Mix in the vanilla.
Voila! I've found that the frosting has lots of air bubbles from being whipped, so if you're going to pipe it, I would mix it by hand with a spatula a little bit. It IS great for decorating! But keep in mind it's about half butter so don't hold on to the bag for long periods at a time. xD It tends to get melty.
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