Louisiana Dirty Rice - cooking recipe

    1 (12 ounce) package brown rice
    2 bell peppers
    2 onions
    4 celery ribs (tops and all)
    1/2 lb chicken liver (optional)
    1/8 lb ground beef or 1/8 lb pork (I like to use both 1 clove garlic 4 tablespoons pecans or walnuts(optional)
    2 tablespoons bacon drippings
    Tabasco sauce
    Worcestershire sauce
    black pepper
    Boil rice according to package directions.
    Brown rice has a slightly coarser grain than white.
    Chop onions,celery,bell peppers and garlic finely (use blender).
    In bacon drippings saute chopped vegetables until the mixture cooks down,about 30 minutes.
    Add chopped chicken livers and ground meats and cook until done,then mash.
    The mixture looks\"dirty\" and soupy.
    Add remaining seasonings and nuts to taste,and mix with rice.
    May be prepared in morning and reheated.
    Additional water may be needed.
    When adding seasoning use your own judjement,I like mine spicy.

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