Mom'S Chicken Kemiri - cooking recipe

    1 lb chicken
    5 cups water
    2 cups coconut milk
    4 macadamia nuts
    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    1 onion
    1 beef bouillon powder
    1 lemongrass (sereh)
    2 tablespoons butter
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    1 teaspoon turmeric
    1 garlic clove
    1 hot red pepper
    Cut the chicken in small pieces or use wings and legs.
    Cut the union and garlic fine.
    Put one table spoon of butter in a wok or frying pan with the union and garlic, smoother it.
    Rub the chicken with the bouillon powder and put this plus the rest of the butter and oil in the pan. I use a combination of oil and butter because it gives a better result in flavor and keeping the chicken moist. Keep the chicken on the stove on a low temperature.
    Put the CANDLENUTS NOT MACADAMIA NUTS * (YOU CAN FIND THIS IN AN ASIAN STORE didnt recognize the ingredient but it exists) in a kitchen machine; make sure it's not cut as fine as powder but also ensure the pieces are not too big.
    Slice the lemon grass and when you've done all that put the rest of the ingredients in the pot and let it smoother until the chicken is done.
    Add more water if necessary all depending on your preference of sauce - think or thin. Serve it with pandan rice, slices of cucumber and tomatoes and a bit of fresh coriander. Enjoy this this dish.

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