Tomato Juice - Canning - cooking recipe
1 bushel tomatoes (half Roma and half regular)
15 teaspoons salt (I recommend some as salt is a preservative) (optional)
Core and peel tomatoes (Often, the day before, I will wash and core the tomatoes and freeze them first. Then just dunk them in a sink full of hot water and the peel falls right off). UPDATE: This year I didn't even bother to peel them, just core them and continue. The peel will come out in step 4.
Place the tomatoes in a large stock pot and as you fill it, bring them to a rolling boil, stirring regularly (They will burn if you don't). I usually squish the first few with a potato masher to cover the bottom of the stock pot with liquid in order to get the boiling process kick started.
Sterilize your jars (I do this in the dishwasher).
Once you have all your tomatoes in the stock pot and boiling up a storm, ladle them into your food mill and grind out the mixture into pots, scraping the good stuff off the sides of the cone into your juice.
Throw out the remaining pulp and return the juice to the stock pot.
Bring back to a rolling boil.
Add salt. (I usually add 1 tsp to each litre/quart). This is optional of course.
Pour into jars leaving 1/2 inch air space.
Place jars into canner and boil for 25 minutes.
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