Sauteed Cauliflower - cooking recipe
1 cauliflower
olive oil, as needed
salt, as needed
Remove the base of the stem of the cauliflower with a sharp knife.
From the top down, cut the cauliflower into 1/4 inches slices. (Some of the slices will crumble, but those still taste good, they just don't look as pretty.).
Heat 2 Table olive oil over medium-high heat in a large nonstick frying pan.
Add one batch of the cauliflower (in a single layer) and cook until brown on the first side. Use a spachula to flip over the cauliflower.
Fry the cauliflower until brown on the second side, adding more olive oil if needed.
At this time, I usually add 2-3 Table. water, turn over the cauliflower again, cover and cook for several more minutes.
Repeat on the second side if the cauliflower is not quite tender. The cauliflower tastes best if it has gotten very brown.
Sprinkle with salt.
Remove the first batch, keeping warm, and doing a second and third batch (if you still have cauliflower to cook) until all of the cauliflower has been sauteed.
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