Flan (Japanese Or Asian Style) - cooking recipe

    For the flan
    1 3/4 cups milk
    5 tablespoons sugar
    3 eggs
    1 dash vanilla
    For the caramel sauce
    3 tablespoons sugar
    1 tablespoon water
    Put milk on low heat and then add sugar. Stir well and when the sugar melts, stop the heat and cool for a minute. Make sure you don't let the milk boil.
    Break the eggs in a bowl and stir well.
    Slowly pour the milk from step 1 into the bowl from step 2. Add some vanilla.
    Pour the mix from step 3 through a strainer. This makes the flan smoother.
    Make the caramel sauce in a pot and stir quickly over high heat. When it becomes brown remove from heat and divide it evenly into the four cups.
    Pour mix from step 4 into the cups over the caramel sauce.
    Fill a pot with water an put a steamer above it. When the water starts steaming stop the heat and put the cups in the steamer. Don't burn yourself! After 2-3 minutes on high heat lowere the hat and steam for another 13-15 minutes. When you put it on low heat move the lid a bit so some of the steam will escape. The point is to maintain it on low heat. And put a towel under the lid so your flan doesn't get wet!
    Poke a hole in the flan with a tooth pick if juice doesn't come out it's done!
    Top it whipped or fruit or both for the teacup people and for the plastic cup people tilt it upside down and slide it on a plate brown side up. Trust me it'll be GOOD!

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