Ribbon Salad - cooking recipe

    2 boxes lime jello
    2 boxes cherry jello
    1 box lemon jello
    1 (8 oz.) Cool Whip
    1 (8 oz.) cream cheese
    1/2 c. miniature marshmallows
    1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple
    1/2 c. Miracle Whip
    Mix lime jello per package instructions.
    Let set.
    In a double boiler, mix 1 cup hot water, lemon jello and marshmallows. Stir until dissolved.
    Add 1 cup pineapple juice.
    Remove from heat and add cream cheese and Miracle Whip.
    Let cool, then fold in Cool Whip and 1 cup pineapple.
    Let cool until thick.
    Pour over lime jello.
    Prepare cherry jello as directed.
    When it starts to jell, pour over lime mixture.
    Chill until firm and serve.

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