Chocolate Pies (2) - cooking recipe

    6 eggs, separated (deep pie shells)
    4 eggs, separated (regular pie shells)
    2 c. sugar
    1/2 c. plain flour
    1/2 c. cocoa
    1 can Pet or Carnation milk
    2 c. hot water
    1 stick butter
    2 tsp. vanilla flavor
    Cook pie shells first (use directions on package). Beat egg yolks, then add sugar and beat together. In separate bowl, sift flour and cocoa together. Add to egg mixture and mix, then add hot water and mix together, then add milk and mix. Put in 2-quart pot and cook on medium heat, stirring constantly. When mixture starts to thicken, add butter and vanilla flavor. Continue to stir until thick. Pour into precooked shells and let pies cool completely.

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