Homemade Sauerkraut(Kapusta Kiszona) - cooking recipe

    10 lb. mature autumn cabbage
    1/2 c. non-iodized salt
    2 tsp. caraway seeds
    1 tsp. dill seeds
    Shred cabbage (discard the bright green outer leaves).
    Toss with salt, caraway seeds and dill seeds.
    Pack mixture into a clean sterilized dry crock.
    Press down with wooden spoon or mallet, leaving about 1-inch headspace.
    If too much liquid forms, pour it away.
    The sauerkraut should remain below a layer of liquid.
    Weigh down on cabbage with a sterilized plate with something heavy (like a bowl with a heavy rock inside).
    Nothing metallic should come in contact with the kraut.
    Check every few days.
    Keep in crock until completely fermented.

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