Sesame Salmon - cooking recipe

    6 Salmon Steaks
    2 Green Peppers (Seeded & cut into Thin Strips)
    2 Leeks (Cut into Strips)
    4 Cloves Garlic (Peeled & Minced)
    1 Red Chili Pepper (Seeded & Minced)
    2 Tbsp. Sesame Seeds
    2 tsp. Vinegar
    2 Tbsp. Sesame Oil
    4 Tbsp. Soy Sauce
    4 tsp. Sugar
    6 Tbsp. Water
    2 Small Shallots
    1 Medium Size Bunch Spinach
    2 Lemons
    2 Tbsp. Corn oil
    Lemon - Pepper Seasoning
    4 12 Squares Cooking Parchment or Foil
    4 6 oz. Fish Fillets (Preferrably Cod, Orange Roughy or Red Snapper
    1. Thinly slice shallots & separate into rings. Wash & dry spinach well removing tough stims. Preheat oven to
    2. Arrange 1/4 of spinach leaves on half of each parchment square. Lightly brush both sides of fillets with corn
    oil. Season with lemon - pepper seasoning.
    3. Arrange fillets, skin side up over spinach leaves.
    Sprinkle with shallots drizzle with lemon juice. Fold
    other half of parchment paper over spinach & fillet.
    4. To seal packets, beginning at one corner, fold edges of
    paper over about 1/2 inch all around, overlapping the
    5. Place packets on cookie sheet. Bake 15 minutes (paper
    will puff up & brown). When packets are open, check
    that fish flakes easily with a fork.

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