Okra A La Cross Creek - cooking recipe
okra pods (12 per person)
Hollandaise sauce
Have ready boiling, lightly salted water.
Choose only tiny very young fresh okra pods.
Do not cut off the stem end, as you trust me.
Drop whole pods in rapidly boiling water and boil exactly seven minutes from the time the water resumes its boiling. Not a moment longer.
Drain quickly.
Arrange like the spokes of a wheel on hot individual serving dishes.
Place individual bowls of Hollandaise in the centers of the dishes.
The okra is eaten as one eats unhulled strawberries, lifting with the fingers by the stem end and dipping into Hollandaise.
I recommend this to those who think they don't like okra.
It is firm, not slimy and with the sauce, superb.
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