Dad Dicke'S Brook Trout - cooking recipe
brook trout (fresh from the North branch of the Thunder River)
1 egg
cracker crumbs
shortening or oil
Be sure the heads and tails are left on the fish.
The fish may be 10 to 12-inches long.
Wash and dry.
Beat egg; add a little water and mix.
Season cracker crumbs.
Roll fish in egg mixture and then in seasoned cracker crumbs.
Put shortening in frypan (not too much, these are not French fried).
Cook over not too high a heat.
When brown on one side, turn very carefully with a spatula to cook the other side.
When done on that side, cook for a little bit on their backs and stomachs.
Just before they are done, add a little butter to get that good flavor.
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