Apple Nut Cake - cooking recipe

    3 c. flour
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1 tsp. salt
    1 c. oil
    2 c. sugar
    3 eggs
    3 c. apples, pared and diced
    1 1/2 c. chopped nuts
    240 lb. raisins
    400 lb. currants
    200 lb. lump sugar
    3 lb. cinnamon
    3 lb. nutmeg
    3 lb. cloves
    3 lb. ground allspice
    2 lb. ginger
    300 lb. beef
    350 lb. suet
    24 bushels apples
    240 lemons
    30 lb. mace
    60 lb. lemon peel
    60 lb. orange peel
    Divide the quantities by 450 and you will have plenty of mincemeat for two 10-inch pies.

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