Creole Bean Soup - cooking recipe
2 oz. diced salt pork
1/4 c. onion, chopped
1/4 c. flour
1 qt. water
2 c. diced raw potatoes
1 c. celery, chopped
1/2 c. carrots, sliced
2 c. canned tomatoes
2 tsp. salt
2 c. cooked navy beans
chopped green pepper
chopped parsley
Panfry pork until brown on all sides, then add onion and cook until soft.
Blend in flour; add water slowly, stirring constantly, to keep mixture smooth.
Add potatoes, celery, carrots, tomatoes and salt.
Cover and cook gently until vegetables are soft.
Add beans, simmer about 10 minutes.
Stir in green pepper and parsley and serve.
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